My thoughts on this magical read~

The Secret Book of Flora Lea by Patti Callahan Henry

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Clearly, a magical force inside the tale shared between two sisters!

“Said the river: imagine everything you can imagine, then keep on going.”–Mary Olivier.

The river often carries this story on.

A story of sisterly bonds, and enchanting land, and it has a mystical landscape. A source of power and complexity to travel on and reach a destination. The children are sent off to be safe from the bombings. Sent to the country, overseas, Canada, South Africa, Australia, and America.

Whisperwood is a place created to feel safe and to have an escape. Hazel tells the story of this place that she created to help her sister cope with the situation they are in as the world becomes a different place that they do not recognize as their home. The fairy-tale land is their secret.

Operation Pied Piper, children are sent away to protect them. Parents are sent postcards from their new location.

As I read this, I admire the character, Wren, and how he is taking charge of Peggy. He tells her that she should go on a “real” adventure with him instead of her imaginary ones. I feel the story taking off here with these two characters.

Hazel is looking far and wide for her lost sister, and she finds her story inside a book by Peggy. Peggy is secretive and unresponsive to Hazel’s requests until Wren is included. Dot is there all along but Hazel avoids her.

Through the magical world, the Shrine of the church, the gardens of London, and booksellers, Hazel seeks her lost sister and she also keeps Harry in her thoughts. The enduring magic of storytelling keeps the memories alive. The twist of her sister’s fate is revealed after all the changes happen in Hazel’s life. Bridie and Harry become major characters in Hazel’s search along with the detective from her past and the nurses of the wartime.

I enjoyed this novel about history, World War II, and how a fairytale can ease the pains of children in a stressful time. It is beautifully written.

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